Archive for 2022年12月

🦠 假“虎”威 -🗡️- 大展宏“兔”





  • How is everything going / How things are going for you
  • I hope you are doing well / Hope this email finds you well
  • I hope you' re having a great week / wonderful day
  • It's great to hear from you


  • Thank you for reaching out
  • Thank you for contacting me about
  • Thank you for your email
  • Thank you for your reply
  • Thanks for your quick & prompt response
  • Thank you for getting back to me


  • Sorry for my late reply
  • Sincere apologies for the delay here
  • I apologize for not replying you earlier


  • I'm sorry to hear that...
  • Sorry to let you know...
  • Unfortunately
  • We regret to inform you that...

不同情境 一表达意图

  • I'm writing to ask / check / confirm / inform you ..
  • I have some questions regarding...
  • I would like to reach out to you for...
  • I'm writing to you about / regarding / with regards to / in regards to / concerning...
  • I'm following up on my previous email on...

不同情境 一疑问求助

  • May I know.../ I'd like to know...
  • I have a question about & regarding & concerning...
  • Could you please tell me..
  • I would appreciate a lot if you can...
  • Would you please send me...

不同情境 一查看附住或信息

  • Please find the document attached
  • I have attached...for your reference
  • I have this email
  • Please see the pictures / information / details below

不同情境 一期待回复

  • I'm looking forward to hearing from you
  • Looking forward to hearing from you
  • Please let me know if that's fine/okay/ if that is acceptable
    with you
  • Please let me know what you think/ when might be a good time
    If you need any more information, please contact me / feel free to email me

不同情境 一提示

  • Just a (quick/ brief/ friendly) reminder that.
  • From now on/ From next week please make sure that /
    ensure that
  • As a reminder / This is a reminder to..

不同情境 一表示感谢

  • Thanks a lot for your help
  • Thanks for your information
  • Thank you for your time in advance
  • Thanks for your patience / understanding / consideration


  • Respectfully
  • Yours sincerely
  • Yours respectfully
  • Yours faithfully
  • Faithfully
  • Sincerely
  • Best regards
  • Thanks again
  • With appreciation
  • With gratitude
  • With sincere thanks
  • Sincerely yours
  • Best
  • All the best
  • Best wishes
  • Warm regards
  • Kindest regards
  • Kind wishes
  • Many thanks
  • Regards